Sunday, February 04, 2007

Seniors: Better Or Not?

The Spirit Bowl. The ultimate expression of school spirit and loyalty. Quite frankly, I think it's lame. But what really gets me under the collar (and I hate collared shirts), is that the seniors always win. I mean, all they said, after an hour of stupid rigged wrestling between girls, body painting of scrawny guys, obnoxious cheering, guys kissing girls with mouths full of cereal, and other drug induced stupidity, was that the seniors won. They didn't even announce how many points the seniors won by. They probably won by "how ever many it takes" points. But I don't question the validity of the ruling. After all, Sir Rich was judging (and endorsing Dr. Pepper with his shirt). Not to mention he's judging this blog. So the question this week comes in two (dos) parts (prongs): 1) Why do seniors think they're better, and 2 (dos)) why the administration made them win.

So why do seniors always have to assert their dominance of other classes? It's obviously like some obscure form of racism, called classism. This "classism" is going so far that soon there will be a KKK of classism. I'm absolutely sure of it. And they will burn big MV's into our yards. They think that because they're almost done with school, they can all be jerks. I realize that I commit the "Hasty Generalization" logical fallacy when I say this, and some seniors are good, like which ever ones are reading this blog, the ones that I love with all my heart, and anything else that will keep me from getting beaten up by a bunch of big fat burly guys. Not that all seniors are big fat burly guys either. Some of them are girls.

Now, the second (dos) part of my question comes in the form of a conspiracy theory. Now, I'm not one of those crazy fanatics who think that Rosie O'Donnell is a cow (though the resemblance is shocking), but I do believe that the administration gave the seniors the win in the Spirit Bowl. I am not implicating Sir Rich in any clandestine plot. I'm sure that he was not a party to it, but actually was forced into it, because Principal Clark kidnapped his copy of "East Of Eden" and held a pair of scissors against it. Sir Rich is, in my book, totally innocent of any wrongdoing unless he minuses my points on this assignment. Why would the administration just give the seniors the win (and the ugly trophy?)? I personally think it was an attempt to foster a feeling of school spirit, and combat senioritis (literally, an inflammation of the senior). And I'll admit that because of this, I really can't wait to become a senior. The world on a silver platter. All for me. But right now, I have to go put out that burning MV in my yard.


  1. Wow, you're going to have to double your efforts to earn back any nice points after insinuating that I am a fat, burly senior girl as a result of the inflammation caused by the popular disease senioritis. Thanks a lot.

  2. you really bonsteeled your friendship with soccerball in this blog. next time put an escape clause like, some seniors, or most of the seniors. When you include everyone you get into messy situations. I don't know if she will ever talk to you again.

  3. Soccerball will think this blog entry is hilarious after a freshman year in college helps reduce her swelling.

  4. Yeah, and when I see both Mr. Chlorine and Mr. President suffering from the senior year-inducing inflammation. One more year for you guys!

  5. Let's get one thing straight. I am NOT Mr. Chlorine. The president knows why. However, "Soccerball," I actually wrote, "some of them are girls" as just "some of them are girls." Not implying anything about weight. I would never say anything except to praise your looks.

  6. Chlorine addict, grow some backbone and stand up for your beliefs. Don't cave in every time some cute little DE takes offense.

  7. Well, if you aren't Mr. Chlorine, then I'm definitely not "DE." I didn't even come up with any part of that name for myself. And how do you know about that nickname, Mr. Splinger? Maybe it's been on other blogs. . . Anyhow, I hope everyone on this blog knows me well enough to know that it would take a lot more than senioritis jokes to really offend me. I just have to tease you whenever I get the chance. :)

  8. Ms. DE, I have spies in all places. And it's Mr. Moosebutt, not Mr. Splinger. Hence, eh-hem, the picture.

  9. My apologies for not knowing your correct blogger name (albeit a little disturbing). I blame my ignorance on the fact that my computer is too outdated to show the pictures that accompany anyone's comments. But maybe I should count that as a blessing. . .
